You can find all kinds of numbers related to weddings costs, however, very few actually pertain to Ontario. Many couples don’t realize these obscure online references to costs often don’t always have a ton of merit, if any. So first, I’ll site my source which is from the BBB for South Western Ontario and second I’ll include a link to their article on wedding costs. Generally speaking I’ve felt the costs brides have in mind don’t align well with reality, in part because the sources of information are either dated or not related to the market. The other issue is with the term average because when you average something chances are no one is providing the service at the average cost. You’re either below or above with a handful of vendors that could be near the average.
Again, these are not my numbers, but in 2018 the average wedding cost was roughly $30,717 with the key word being average. The fact of the matter is, some were a lot more while others would have been less. Those numbers would align themselves well for what we’ve seen in Kitchener-Waterloo, Cambridge, Stratford and surrounding areas. To some extent these numbers are now dated, but they serve as a starting point that can be used. Given that it’s 2020 now, and with the current situation of the majority of 2020 weddings moving to 2021, those averages will rise. There’s also a reference to the average DJ price of $1422 which is something that confuses people, so I’ll speak more in-depth on that aspect.
I mentioned before that average cost is based off the spectrum of the prices that brides paid for their DJ services. Pricing wise, I’ve seen it as low as $400 to as high as $6000 which helps to explain how you arrive at an average of $1422. Now speaking from the point of experience at the lower end you just won’t find everything and typically the highest end is suited for very specific requirements and needs. The legitimacy of the low end DJ service just isn’t realistic from being a registered business, with legal music, insurance, training and high quality equipment. Something, or many things, are going to be missing at those lower levels. While on the higher end the expectation is that all these are in place. The price is more derived from experience, training, as well as certain levels of customization and professionalism.
Now I’m not saying there’s no predetermined threshold that will deliver high quality and professionalism, but I am saying there is a minimum cost involved to run a legal business which some DJ companies are below. Doing business with anyone that doesn’t understand business or operate legally is just plain risky. I’ve previously wrote about one instance which you can find here. The price of DJ services and wedding services is going to vary so the chances of finding some that meets the average cost is rare at best. Knowing what is or isn’t important to you matters more. If you’re looking to have a fun party, a more experienced DJ with good equipment should be given more consideration. If the party or the reception isn’t a priority than being matched with a new and inexperienced DJ could be an option that provides savings. There’s no one size fits all, but what is important is to learn more than just what the price is and get what you value instead at your wedding.
Feel free to visit our site for more information or to book.